David M. Peterson, PE, PC has been in business for more than 20 years and is a trusted engineering service provider.

Industrial Wastewater Treatment:  Existing System Evaluation, Water Reuse Evaluation, and System Bench Testing, Design, Permitting, Installation, Startup, and Optimization

Technologies include oil water separation, pH adjustment, coagulants, flocculants, clarifiers, ultra filtration, reverse osmosis, membrane capacitive deionization, mixed media filtration, organoclay filtration, GAC Filtration, air stripping, chemical oxidation and reduction, ultraviolet light, dissolved air flotation, bioreactors, and more.  Processes include metal finishing, steel pickling, industrial vessel cleaning, groundwater treatment, industrial septic systems, scrubber wastewater, paint rinsewater, stormwater filtration, water re-use systems, and treatment system expansion.  Local authorizations and state permits are procured for the installation of treatment systems which includes a Permit to Install in Ohio.

Soil and Groundwater Remediation:  Pilot Testing, System Design, Detailed Cost Estimating, Permitting, Installation, Startup, and Optimization

Chemicals of concern encompass gasoline, fuel oils, MTBE, PAHs, coal tars, petroleum solvents, chlorinated solvents, PCBs, phthalates, metals, asbestos, and more.  Sites include gas stations, commercial properties, strip malls, industrial manufacturing facilities, oil refineries, chemical plants, and Brownfield sites.  In-situ remediation occurs via biosparging, bioventing, air sparging, soil vapor extraction, chemical oxidation, multi-phase high vacuum extraction, vapor enhanced groundwater extraction, stabilization, groundwater pumping, and more for source remediation, plume control, and barrier flow-through treatment.  Groundwater and vapor treatment may occur via GAC, catalytic oxidation, thermal oxidation, air stripping, and bioreactors.

Vapor Intrusion:  Assessments, Abatement System Design, Installation, Startup, Optimization, and Documentation

Work includes subsurface vapor monitoring, sub-slab monitoring, and indoor air monitoring. Where appropriate, work also includes sub-slab depressurization system pilot testing, design, installation, and reporting for active vacuum systems and passive ventilation systems to abate petroleum vapors, chlorinated vapors, and landfill gas at commercial facilities, chemical plants, restaurants, multi-use buildings, landfills, industrial facilities, and residential buildings.

Facility and Tank Demolition and Decommissioning:  Planning, Detailed Cost Estimating, Permitting, Bid Specifications, Bidding, On-Site Management, Documentation, and Completion Reports

Work has been performed at industrial facilities with >2,000,000 sq.ft. under roof and >80 outside above-ground chemical storage tanks.  Work includes friable and non-friable asbestos abatement, lead-based paint evaluation and management, PCB laden transformer disposal, other regulated materials disposal, subsurface soil remediation, waste disposal profiling, dust suppression water collection and treatment, de-energization of plant utilities, wastewater treatment system closure, local permitting, asbestos notifications, on-site regulatory interaction, daily health and safety planning, daily reporting with photographs, establishing a schedule of values, reviewing contractor invoices for payment, and preparing completion reports for high value projects ranging up to 14 months in duration. 

Sludge Lagoon Closure:  Design, Bid Specifications, On-Site Remediation Management, and Completion Reports

Work includes sludge thickness determination, sludge properties investigation and testing, sludge stabilization planning, reinforced geotextile cover design, geotextile installation over water, hydraulic and mechanical dredging, geotextile ballasting and covering, deployment of HDPE liners, implementation of dewatering systems, construction of cofferdams, and the implementation of specialized filling techniques utilizing low ground pressure equipment and board roads so not to cause sludge waves that would interfere with drainage slopes.  Lagoons have been closed ranging up to 32 acres in size and up to 18 feet deep.

Engineered Barrier Construction:  Design, Bid Specifications, Fill Prequalification, Construction QA/QC, On-Site Management, and Completion Reports

Work has included pre-qualifying and importing >500,000 CY of fill material, the controlled placement of geotextile, sand, clay, and topsoil, installing clean corridors for utilities, installing stormwater control measures, installing stormwater detention and infiltration basins, establishing vegetative covers to match adjacent sensitive areas, establishing wetlands, and minimizing dust generation.  Engineered barriers have been constructed over manufacturing areas, landfills, lagoons, and other environmentally sensitive areas while being protective of threatened and endangered species.

Lake, River, and Stream Bank Stabilization:  Design, Permitting, Bid Specifications, Implementation, Construction Management, and Completion Reports

Work has been performed at eroded lake shores (including Great Lakes), streams and rivers encroached by solid waste, and riverbanks causing hydrocarbon sheens during dry, flooded, and fluctuating hydraulic conditions due to tides and upstream hydroelectric dams.  Work includes site preparation, geotextile and riprap stabilization, geogrid bank stabilization, underflow dam construction, GCL installation, LLDPE liner installation, dredging, bentonite covered aggregate installation, utilizing mobile conveyors, installing oil recovery systems, developing vegetative covers, and permitting through the state and United States Army Corps of Engineers.

Ongoing Site Operation and Maintenance:  Management during the completion of Site Demolition and Remediation Activities

Work includes groundwater monitoring, vapor monitoring, landfill gas monitoring, regulatory reporting, vegetative cover maintenance, wetlands maintenance, well cleaning and maintenance, remediation system improvements, remediation system O&M, and regulatory reporting.

Detailed Cost Estimating:  Corporate Reserves Planning, Regulatory Financial Assurance Requirements, Liability Transfer Projects, and Property Transactions

Work includes developing short- and long-term remediation and demolition costs as required by regulation and for corporate planning.  Work also includes evaluating site-specific environmental conditions and applicable remediation technologies to provide long-term net present value capital, operation, and maintenance costs to determine long-term environmental liabilities. 

Expert Witness:  Remediation and Demolition Cases

Work includes providing expert testimony for industrial demolition costs, site remediation and vapor intrusion abatement costs, and legacy disposal of contaminated material.

Reporting:  Preparation of CERCLA, RCRA, and State Regulatory Reports

Work includes preparing Remedial Action Work Plans, Focused Feasibility Studies, Remedial Action Plans, Construction Completion Reports, Closure Reports, Financial Assurance Reports, and more.

Stormwater Compliance:  Preparation of SPCC Plans, SWPPP Plans, Site Inspections, and DMR Reporting

Work includes performing site inspections to develop secondary containment calculations and spill prevention measures for SPCC plan certification and also to develop SWPPP plans.  Work also includes providing interactive communication during regulatory inspections, reviewing sampling results, and reporting them to the state.

Stormwater Drainage Solutions:  Storm Event Runoff Calculations, Piping and Detention Basin Sizing, Containment and Treatment System Design, and Sewer Investigations

Work includes developing site improvements to eliminate flooding and provide for secondary containment through proper pipe sizing and sloping, oil, water, and grit separation, underground solids separation, and underground storm water diversion via weirs.  Work also includes investigating sewers using mobile cameras and historical documentation to determine sources of water and contamination.

Water Well Solutions:  Drinking Water Wells, Commercial and Industrial Wells, Remediation Wells, and Water Treatment

Work includes permitting, well siting, well installation design, well cleaning design, pump test design, water treatment pilot testing, water treatment system design, and cost estimating.  It also includes evaluating existing wells, pumping, and treatment systems to make improvement recommendations for more efficient operation.

Indoor Air Evaluations:  Sampling for OSHA Compliance and Air Quality, Odor Control Improvements, and Abatement System Design

Work includes performing real-time air monitoring inside buildings and on personnel during the work day, examining ventilation system equipment operation, identifying vapor sources, and developing site-specific abatement options and costs.

Process Hazard Analysis:  Preparation of P&IDs for Equipment Using Hazardous Chemicals

Work includes reviewing the daily process operation, discussing the operation with operators, developing site-specific P&IDs for reactors and other equipment, and developing a description of operating conditions.

Hazardous Waste Tank System Certification:  Integrity Inspections, System Design, and Report Preparation

Work includes performing compliance inspections and secondary containment calculations for hazardous waste tank systems.  This information is used to document existing conditions and design system improvements, as necessary.  A certified report is prepared that identifies design standards, a system layout, and P&IDs for a final inspection.

Emergency Response Management:  Daily On-Site Management, Engineering Design, and Coordination of Contractors

Work included the intense, daily, on-site management of environmental response contractors, environmental sampling professionals, and the client to immediately respond to petroleum pipeline leaks.  Required daily meetings with regulators, the client, contractors, and environmental consultants to coordinate an orchestrated response and mitigate the release of petroleum to the ground surface, sewers, utility corridors, stormwater ditches, streams, and rivers ranging in distance up to 5 miles from the source.  Provided engineering plans for the installation of interceptor trenches, underflow dams, and underground retention basins to intercept and retain petroleum.  Designed and implemented emergency vapor abatement measures beneath a restaurant.

And more...

Dave will take the time to discuss your environmental goals and provide engineering advice that presents practical and cost effective solutions that are acceptable to local, state, and federal regulators.